Roberta Maggio

Roberta Maggio

Born and raised in Halton, I attended St. Mark’s Catholic Elementary School and Notre Dame Catholic High School, and presently, a passionate and dedicated member of the HCDSB. I have been teaching for over 18 years and have taught in Milton and Oakville for the HCDSB. I am currently a Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) at St. Nicholas CES in Oakville and have been in my current role for 6 years.

My faith has always guided me in my professional and personal life, and I believe my faith will guide me as a HCCF Board Member by being an integral part in strengthening and supporting students’ succession at school by serving the students, removing barriers, and supporting the home, school, and parish relationships.

It is a great honour to be part of the Board of Directors of such a great organization that support student success because, every child is a gift and blessing from God, that we as Catholic’s are called upon to serve, love, and protect.Â